Time for A Check-In

Yesterday I went to bed at 10:15 p.m. and got a great night’s sleep. I did the same thing on Friday night. Why? Because I’ve been struggling with my Digital Wellness Month commitment and going without a lot of sleep.

This morning my heart was all about the feeling of being more connected to myself in the present moment. I know getting two nights of sleep helped me feel and think clearer.

While I was walking this morning, I stopped to record a special video message for YOU. Listen hereMay it in-power and inspire you to slow down, check-in with yourself, and practice digital wellness.

SPECIAL INVITATION: Join me for my Digital Wellness Month Meditation IG Live on Tuesday, May 24th  at 5:30-5:45 PM ET: www.instagram.com/anandaleeke

PS: If you are struggling in your life, relationships, and career, remember I am here to help you as your Thriving Mindfully Coach. 

GO HERE to learn how we can work together when you become a Thriving Mindfully Academy member.

Know someone who would benefit from my coaching support? Share this link with them: https://anandaleeke.com/academy.  

If you have any questions, please contact me on ananda@anandaleeke.com.

Slow Down & Do A Self Check-In

So much is happening in the world. If you are consuming a lot of news online, slow down and take a moment to do a self check-in. Notice how you are feeling in your body.

Meditation is one of the ways you can slow down to do a self check-in. Go here to watch the Digital Wellness Month Meditation & Discussion video from the IG Live I held on May 10th.

SPECIAL INVITATION: Join me for my Digital Wellness Month Meditation IG Live on Tuesday, May 17th and May 24th  at 5:30-5:45 PM ET: www.instagram.com/anandaleeke

This week the Thriving Mindfully Academy members are  participating in the Digital Wellness Month Challenge and invited to strengthen themselves with the our 5 mindful self-care vitamins, especially when they do not keep their intentions. Watch the video below to learn more.

If you are struggling in your life, relationships, and career, remember I am here to help you as your Thriving Mindfully Coach. GO HERE to learn how we can work together when you become a Thriving Mindfully Academy member. Email me if you have any questions: ananda@anandaleeke.com.

Digital Wellness Month Reflection: Slow Down + Practice Digital Wellness During Mercury Retrograde in May

Astrological retrogrades are all about self-discovery and lessons learned. They invite us to deeply connect with, reflect, and know ourselves from the inside out. They also give us an opportunity to dive deep inside of ourselves and explore how each planet in retrograde and the signs they are transiting impact us.

Mercury Retrograde is one of my favorite astrological retrogrades. It is connected to the fast-moving planet Mercury. Mercury’s energy impacts communication, technology, and travel. For me, Mercury Retrograde is an invitation to slow down, become present, and practice my birthright of mindfulness in how I think, communicate, and connect with myself and others. It happens three or four times each year. When it arrives, it hangs around for approximately three weeks.

A few years ago, I renamed my personal Mercury Retrograde to Mercury Upgrade because I began to appreciate its energy and the lessons I learned that opened my heart up to be more present, well, and the REAL ME. In short, Mercury Upgrade helps me embrace Thriving Mindfully in my life, relationships, and career.

During the early days of the global pandemic in 2020, I began observing and embracing Mercury’s shadow period which happens two weeks before and two weeks after the actual retrograde. I consider the pre and post-shadow periods as my VIP Mini Mercury Upgrades. That means I get approximately 7 whole weeks 3 to 4 times a year to practice mindful self-care as I review and recommit to thinking, communicating, connecting, and using technology in mindful, intentional, and healthy ways.

Last night, I led my Thriving Mindfully Academy’s monthly mindful self-care class that incorporated the May theme of “Strengthen Yourself,” Digital Wellness Month, and Mercury Upgrade (my name for Mercury Retrograde that starts May 10 and ends June 3) into breathing exercises, gentle movement, affirmations, mantra chanting, meditation, and mindful reflection and journaling.

The class gave the Thriving Mindfully Academy members an opportunity to check-in with themselves about:

■how they are using technology

■their struggles with technology (digital distraction, digital overload, social media comparison, digital time overdosing, and tension and tightness in the body)

■stress caused by their use of technology

■one step they can take to practice digital wellness during May and Mercury Retrograde

At the end of the class, I encouraged Thriving Mindfully Academy members to use our self-led Digital Wellness Month Challenge as invitation to take better care of themselves. I also shared my recent reflection on the number of years I have had 24/7/365 access to technology at home. It started in 1996. That means it’s been 26 years. I didn’t realize I needed to practice digital wellness until I experienced digital overload and burnout after publishing my self-love and yoga-inspired novel, Love’s Troubadours. My coach Yael Flusberg brought it to my attention during one of our conversations in 2008. That was a light bulb moment that shined light on making digital wellness a priority.

I am using Digital Wellness Month and Mercury Retrograde to release and forgive my social media comparison habits about my journey as an entrepreneur that have wreaked havoc on my nervous system. It’s a process (fo’ sure)! My mindful self-care practices of deep breathing, meditation, affirmations, tapping, reiki, and yoga are helping me take better care of my nervous system. I am also easing up on the amount of time I spend online and downsizing my social media with indefinite tech breaks on Facebook and Twitter.

How much time do you spend online?

Is your tech use causing stress?

Click here to join me for today’s Digital Wellness Month meditation at 5:30-5:45 PM ET

If you’re ready to get my coaching support in a safe community as a Thriving Mindfully Academy member, click the button below. Email me at ananda@anandaleeke.com if you have questions.

Strengthen Yourself During Digital Wellness Month in May!

Over the years, technology has become our BFF and made life and work easier. During the global pandemic, most of us have increased our reliance on and use of technology as we live, study, work, and shop from home.

Many of us (me included) have been glued to our digital devices (smartphones, tablets, laptop and desktop computers, and wearable tech including smart watches, wristbands, pins, rings) for the majority of our day. We’re not aware of how much we are missing out on being present for moments that matter. We’re so plugged in we are suffering from stress, anxiety, and a lack of sleep. Our ability to focus and concentrate for long periods of time has decreased and impacted our productivity. What’s more, we may not even realize our need for digital wellness.

Digital wellness is the use of technology in mindful, intentional, and healthy ways. Go here to learn more about digital wellness and to listen to the Thriving Mindfully Podcast episode.

I launched the Digital Wellness Month through my Thriving Mindfully Academy during the first months of the pandemic in 2020. The purpose of Digital Wellness Month is to encourage and help you practice tech life balance with small steps.

This month Thriving Mindfully Academy members are focused on the theme of “Strengthen Yourself.” They are participating in a self-led Digital Wellness Month challenge to help strengthen their capacity to use technology in a mindful, intentional, and healthy ways. If you’re interested in joining us, click the button below to learn about and invest in your monthly Thriving Mindfully Academy membership.

May the 4th (Force of Mindfulness) Be with You!

May the 4th be with you! May the force of mindfulness be with you always! Just in case you need a reminder: Mindfulness is your birthright. It’s your ability to be aware of what’s happening in the present moment. Watch the video above to learn more.

I use my force and birthright of mindfulness to open my heart and be present, well, and the REAL ME in my life, relationships, and career. I call it Thriving Mindfully!

If you’re ready to be present, well, and the REAL YOU with my coaching support in a safe space, click the button below to learn about and invest in becoming a Thriving Mindfully Academy member. Email me if you have questions: ananda@anandaleeke.com.

Strengthen Yourself

When I struggle (which happens regularly) with mind drama and stress, I often choose to use one of the 1,440 minutes I get each day to notice my body, MAKE MY BREATH MY BFF, and meditate. Meditation is one of my go-to mindfulness practices I use to strengthen myself.

Check out the Thriving Mindfully Podcast episodes on Mindfulness 101 and Meditation 101 below. They include short guided meditations too.

Mindfulness 101 Episode

-Meditation 101 Episode

How are you strengthening yourself?

I am here to help you as your Thriving Mindfully Coach.