What Needs A Fresh Start in Your Life and Career? — Embrace Your Fresh Start with the Thriving Mindfully New Moon Circles on Nov 24th & 26th

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As we get closer to the end of 2019, I have been asking myself and my coaching clients one big question.


My response focused on my fitness routine. It’s been stuck and not producing the results I had hoped to see before my December birthday. So I decided to hire a personal trainer. Yesterday, a friend recommended his trainer. I contacted the trainer and scheduled an evening consultation call. Well, it was a totally different call than I expected. I actually did a mini workout while we were on the call. The workout was climbing my steps 10 times within four minutes. During my first round, I completed eight trips up and down my steps. My second and third rounds were much bettter. I completed 10 rounds in less than 4 minutes.

That mini workout session sent me to sleep with a big smile. Why? It was a step in the direction of my fresh start!

This morning, I had my first full session with my new trainer. I completed the power walking routine in the alloted time and felt energized by the next step in my fresh start.


During the past 27 years, I have been on a juicy self-discovery journey with no end date in sight. Throughout my journey, I have incorporated mindful self-care practices that tap into the power of new and full moons, astrology, crystal therapy, chakra healing, meditation, reiki, yoga, sound healing, journaling, and art-making. All of these practices have been essential to fresh starts and new beginnings in my life. This weekend, I am carving time out to explore the power of the new moon in Sagittarius which occurs on November 26th at 10:06 AM ET. The new moon will give us an opportunity to tap into the lunar energy of fresh starts and new beginnings.

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On Sunday, November 24th, I am hosting the Thriving Mindfully Moon Circle to welcome in the new moon from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Qi Kratom CBD Tea in DC. If you are in DC, plan to join me. Bring a friend! REGISTER HERE.

If you can’t make it, sign up for the online Thriving Mindfully Moon Circle on Tuesday, November 26th from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. ET via Zoom. Invite your friends to join you! REGISTER HERE.