It’s Time We Embrace Digital Wellness: Why We Need It in Our Life, Career & Business to Create Tech-Life Balance

Technology has become our BFF and made life and work easier. It has also caused many of us to be glued to digital devices for the majority of our day. As a result, we are missing out on being present for moments that matter. We’re so plugged in that we are suffering from digital overload and distraction. We don’t even realize we need tech-life balance.

Does that sound like you or someone you know?

What Is Tech-Life Balance?

Tech-life balance is the use of technology in mindful, intentional, and healthy ways that have a positive impact on our personal and professional life and relationships.

How Do We Maintain Our Relationship with Technology & Create Tech-Life Balance?

Digital Wellness is the answer.

Digital Wellness is the use of technology in mindful, intentional, and healthy ways. Watch the video and go here to listen to Thriving Mindfully Podcast about digital wellness.

What Gets in the Way of Practicing Digital Wellness?

Digital overload and distraction are two of the most common challenges to digital wellness. Digital overload happens when our brain is bombarded with constant electronic stimuli.

Digital overload pushes our brain to work overtime. It divides our attention and causes our stress levels to soar. When we experience digital overload and unplug from our digital devices, our brains remain in a hyper-alert and distracted state.

Digital distraction occurs when we spend too much time with digital devices that it is detrimental and even dangerous to our relationships.

It’s Time to Get Real About Your Tech Use!

Get your favorite pen, journal, or a piece of paper. Take a few minutes to answer each of the questions below. They will help you become aware of how you currently use technology. Your responses will help you identify what needs to be included in your Digital Wellness Intention.


  1. How much time do you currently spend online Monday through Friday and on the weekends?
  2. Do you take breaks from using technology?
  3. What stresses you out when you are online?
  4. Does your body experience tension, tightness, or discomfort while you are online?
  5. How do you take care of your body while you are online (the way you sit or stand, screens that protect your eyes, etc.)?
  6. Do you sleep with your digital devices on or near your bed?

How You Can Use Digital Wellness to Be Intentional About Your Tech Use

You create digital wellness in your life, career, and business with an intention and a plan. In my work at the Thriving Mindfully Academy, I offer people just like you and mission-driven companies, organizations, and communities three steps to create digital wellness. The three steps include:

  1. Prepare a digital wellness intention. A digital wellness intention is a statement about the way you want to use technology and how you want to feel when you use technology.
  2. Conduct a tech assessment. Explore how you are you currently using technology and the barriers you may have to your tech-life balance.
  3. Establish a weekly schedule with a revised digital wellness intention. Based on what you learned from your tech assessment, revise your digital wellness intention. Identify one to three steps you can take to create tech-life balance on a weekly basis over the next 30, 60 or 90 days. Remember to start small!


If you or your organization, company, and community need more self-care, mindfulness, and wellness resources, visit the Thriving Mindfully Academy here.

If you are new to mindfulness, self-care, and wellness or simply want to learn more about these areas, visit the Thriving Mindfully Academy’s resource pages below.

Training, Speaking & Coaching

I help people just like you and mission-driven companies, organizations, and communities outsmart stress and burnout, reclaim and practice their birthrights of mindfulness and self-care, and create wellness in their life, career, business, and community service. My personal goal is to empower as many people as I can in my local and global communities with the education, training, and practices they can use to create their own health insurance plan with mindfulness, self-care, and wellness.

My services are offered virtually (via Zoom, Facebook Live, Google Meet, Skype, and and in-person. I offer trainings and one-on-one coaching sessions. I am available to speak at your next conference and event, and for digital, print, radio, and television interviews.

Interested in exploring how you might work with me this year?

Fill out my client intake survey here and then I’ll set up a free 20-minute consultation call with you. Once you complete the survey, I will follow up with an email.

For more information, contact me at

About Me

My name is Ananda Leeke. I am an award-winning wellness professional, author, and artist. I discovered mindfulnessself-care, and wellness when my career as a lawyer, an investment banker, and a digital communications professional stressed me out, caused burnout, and did not produce the level of success I expected. During my healing journey, I studied and practiced meditation, yoga, reiki, journaling, art-making, and creative writing. They helped me develop self-care practices and become resilient. As a result, I became a certified yoga and mindfulness teacher, a reiki master practitioner, a sound healer, and an artist-in-residence for the Smith Center for Healing and the Arts. Today, I share my gifts and expertise as the founder and Chief Mindfulness Officer of Ananda Leeke Consulting, a wellness company, and the Thriving Mindfully Academy, an online learning platform. Visit for more information. Follow @anandaleeke on social media.

About My Mindfulness Books

Check out my three mindfulness books here (available on Amazon). My books make great gifts for yourself and others.

Stop Living on Autopilot with Mindfulness

Most of us human beings are creatures of habit. We live our lives on autopilot. Autopilot happens when we repeat behaviors day in and day out. Our brains hardwire these behaviors so we can do them again and again without thinking. When we’re on autopilot, we disconnect from the present moment and reality. We exist either in the past or some place in the future.

When we’re on autopilot, we repeat the same habits, patterns, and routines without any awareness of whether some or all no longer serve our highest good. When we’re on autopilot, we can get caught up in our thoughts and emotions where our brain reacts automatically without thinking. As a result, we may overreact and say or do something that we later regret.

Autopilot takes us away from our lives and work. Mindfulness brings us back to our lives and work. Practicing mindfulness interrupts autopilot.

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is your birthright. You are born with the ability to be aware of what’s happening inside and outside of ourselves in the present moment.

Mindfulness becomes a practice when you choose to pay attention to what’s happening inside and outside of yourself with the “Big 5” mindful self-care vitamins: loving kindness, compassion, nonjudgment, patience, and forgiveness.

Mindfulness helps you:

  1. Act with awareness.
  2. Change the hardwiring of your brain.
  3. Create new healthy habits.
  4. Make better choices.

As you practice mindfulness, remember the following:

  • You will lose your focus. You’re human. It’s normal and natural to lose your focus.
  • When you lose your focus, smile when you become aware of the loss of focus, and use your breath as an anchor to return to the present moment. You smile because you are giving yourself an opportunity to practice your birthright. You breathe deeply because breathing gives you an opportunity to reset and return to the present moment.
  • Release the need to criticize, judge or shame yourself when you loose your focus even if you lose it 10 times in 10 seconds. Use the Big 5 mindful self-care vitamins of loving kindness, compassion, nonjudgment, patience, and forgiveness to ground yourself as you remember mindfulness is a practice and a process.

Meditation: A Mindfulness Practice That Can Help You to Stop Living on Autopilot

Meditation is a mindfulness practice that invites you to befriend your mind by choosing to focus your awareness on what’s happening inside and outside of yourself. It’s the act of observing thoughts in the mind, physical sensations, and sounds.

In meditation, you can use your breath to help focus your attention and cultivate stillness by observing it and coming back to it when your mind focuses on thoughts, physical sensations, and sounds.

Meditation can help you increase self-awareness, relax, improve concentration, reduce stress, strengthen emotional and physical well-being, and encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Check out the Thriving Mindfully Podcast episodes on meditation below.

Below are several suggestions you can use in your meditation practice.

  • Breathing: In and out through the nose OR in through the nose and out through the mouth
  • Posture: Seated, standing, or laying down
  • Eyes: Closed or opened with a slightly lowered gaze
  • Focus: Observe the sensations in the body. Notice the thoughts in the mind. Pay attention to the breath. Observe the sounds around you. You can also use a mantra (word or phrase), music, and movement to help you focus your attention in meditation.


If you or your organization, company, and community need more self-care, mindfulness, and wellness resources, visit the Thriving Mindfully Academy here.

If you are new to mindfulness, self-care, and wellness or simply want to learn more about these areas, visit the Thriving Mindfully Academy’s resource pages below.

Training, Speaking & Coaching

I help people just like you and mission-driven companies, organizations, and communities outsmart stress and burnout, reclaim and practice their birthrights of mindfulness and self-care, and create wellness in their life, career, business, and community service. My personal goal is to empower as many people as I can in my local and global communities with the education, training, and practices they can use to create their own health insurance plan with mindfulness, self-care, and wellness.

My services are offered virtually (via Zoom, Facebook Live, Google Meet, Skype, and and in-person. I offer trainings and one-on-one coaching sessions. I am available to speak at your next conference and event, and for digital, print, radio, and television interviews.

Interested in exploring how you might work with me this year?

Fill out my client intake survey here and then I’ll set up a free 20-minute consultation call with you. Once you complete the survey, I will follow up with an email.

For more information, contact me at

About Me

My name is Ananda Leeke. I am an award-winning wellness professional, author, and artist. I discovered mindfulnessself-care, and wellness when my career as a lawyer, an investment banker, and a digital communications professional stressed me out, caused burnout, and did not produce the level of success I expected. During my healing journey, I studied and practiced meditation, yoga, reiki, journaling, art-making, and creative writing. They helped me develop self-care practices and become resilient. As a result, I became a certified yoga and mindfulness teacher, a reiki master practitioner, a sound healer, and an artist-in-residence for the Smith Center for Healing and the Arts. Today, I share my gifts and expertise as the founder and Chief Mindfulness Officer of Ananda Leeke Consulting, a wellness company, and the Thriving Mindfully Academy, an online learning platform. Visit for more information. Follow @anandaleeke on social media.

About My Mindfulness Books

Check out my three mindfulness books here (available on Amazon). My books make great gifts for yourself and others.


Reclaim & Practice Your Birthright to Mindfulness During Intense Times

Mindfulness-ElementsofMindfulness (2)

Did you know mindfulness is your birthright?

That’s right you were born with the ability to be aware of what’s happening inside and outside of yourself in the present moment.

Mindfulness becomes a practice when you choose to pay attention to what’s happening inside and outside of yourself in the present moment with the Big 5: loving kindness, compassion, nonjudgment, patience, and loving kindness. The Big 5 are also mindful self-care vitamins you can take daily to strengthen your practice.

Benefits of Mindfulness

Mindfulness can help you improve your well-being, physical health, and mental health. That’s why mindfulness is essential to creating your own healthcare insurance plan!

  • Well-Being: When we choose to focus our attention on the present moment, we may discover it is easier to enjoy life as it occurs, find greater acceptance of what’s happening, and notice we are more present in our activities which can help us cope with the ebbs and flow of daily living.
  • Physical Health: Scientists have discovered mindfulness techniques can help relieve stress, treat heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce chronic pain, improve sleep, and more.
  • Mental Health: Psychotherapists have included mindfulness meditation in their treatment of patients who experience depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, relationship conflicts, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

The Connection Between Mindfulness, Wellness, and Self-Care

Wellness is becoming aware of and making healthy choices that support and strengthen your spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, and creative energy and well-being.

The “becoming aware of” refers to mindfulness and reminds you that mindfulness is your birthright and a practice you can choose to be present to what’s happening inside and outside of ourselves. When you practice mindfulness, you are choosing to notice healthy choices that can create wellness in your life, career, and business.

The “making healthy choices” refers to self-care. Self-care is the act of nurturing your spirit, heart, mind, body, breath, and life in ways that uplift you. Self-care practices make wellness come alive in your life, career, and business. They help strengthen and support energy and well-being.

When you marry mindfulness with wellness and self-care, you have everything you need to create a health insurance plan you can rely on.

You can bring mindfulness into your life when you use self-care practices and daily activities including meditation, yoga, journaling, walking, tai chi, mantra chanting, eating, bathing, speaking, listening, cleaning your home, and more. The key to making these practices and activities mindful is in your intention, choice, and awareness.

As you practice mindfulness, remember the following:

  • You will lose your focus. You’re human. It’s normal and natural to lose your focus.
  • When you lose your focus, smile when you become aware of the loss of focus, and use your breath as an anchor to return to the present moment. You smile because you are giving yourself an opportunity to practice your birthright. You breathe deeply because breathing gives you an opportunity to reset and return to the present moment.
  • Release the need to criticize, judge or shame yourself when you loose your focus even if you lose it 10 times in 10 seconds. Use the Big 5 mindful self-care vitamins of loving kindness, compassion, nonjudgment, patience, and forgiveness to ground yourself as you remember mindfulness is a practice and a process.

Thriving Mindfully Videos and Podcast Episodes

Outsmart Stress

Time Management

Check out the Thriving Mindfully Podcast episodes below.


If you or your organization, company, and community need more self-care, mindfulness, and wellness resources, visit the Thriving Mindfully Academy here.

If you are new to mindfulness, self-care, and wellness or simply want to learn more about these areas, visit the Thriving Mindfully Academy’s resource pages below.

Training, Speaking & Coaching

I help people just like you and mission-driven companies, organizations, and communities outsmart stress and burnout, reclaim and practice their birthrights of mindfulness and self-care, and create wellness in their life, career, business, and community service. My personal goal is to empower as many people as I can in my local and global communities with the education, training, and practices they can use to create their own health insurance plan with mindfulness, self-care, and wellness.

My services are offered virtually (via Zoom, Facebook Live, Google Meet, Skype, and and in-person. I offer trainings and one-on-one coaching sessions. I am available to speak at your next conference and event, and for digital, print, radio, and television interviews.

Interested in exploring how you might work with me this year?

Fill out my client intake survey here and then I’ll set up a free 20-minute consultation call with you. Once you complete the survey, I will follow up with an email.

For more information, contact me at

About Me

My name is Ananda Leeke. I am an award-winning wellness professional, author, and artist. I discovered mindfulnessself-care, and wellness when my career as a lawyer, an investment banker, and a digital communications professional stressed me out, caused burnout, and did not produce the level of success I expected. During my healing journey, I studied and practiced meditation, yoga, reiki, journaling, art-making, and creative writing. They helped me develop self-care practices and become resilient. As a result, I became a certified yoga and mindfulness teacher, a reiki master practitioner, a sound healer, and an artist-in-residence for the Smith Center for Healing and the Arts. Today, I share my gifts and expertise as the founder and Chief Mindfulness Officer of Ananda Leeke Consulting, a wellness company, and the Thriving Mindfully Academy, an online learning platform. Visit for more information. Follow @anandaleeke on social media.

About My Mindfulness Books

Check out my three mindfulness books here (available on Amazon). My books make great gifts for yourself and others.

Self-Care Is Your Superpower During Intense Times