Slow Down & Say YES to Yourself During the Fall Season

Hey Groovy Friend!

Can you feel the change of seasons yet? What about the astrological energy of Mercury Upgrade (Retrograde) that started on September 27th? I definitely can. That’s why I decided to slow down and say YES to carving out time for my personal retreat this week.

One of my retreat activities is taking walks in my favorite park, Malcolm X-Meridian Hill Park. Being in the park yesterday gave me a chance breathe deeply, become still, and reconnect with myself and nature. Having that time helped me release the need to pile up my to do list with a bunch of tasks. Instead I decided to breakdown the tasks into a few weekly priorities I can tackle over the next three of four weeks with greater ease.  

A retreat helps you carve out time and space see your full self in a mirror and in the present moment. It gives you an opportunity to come face-to-face with your vulnerabilities, challenges, wins, and losses. It can also help you set intentions and create shifts in how you choose to show up in your life, relationships, career, and business.

Before you dive deep into your Fall season, I encourage you to slow down and get still for a moment. Breathe in and out three times. Now touch your heart and ask yourself how you need to show up and what you need to embrace, release, forgive, and do to navigate the final months of 2021 and 2022. Need more support in slowing down, reflecting, and exploring this question?

I invite you to say YES to yourself by attending my Thriving Mindfully Academy’s Fall Virtual Retreat on October 2nd at 2-4 PM ET.

Watch the video below to get more details about the Fall Virtual Retreat. .

Wanna go deeper in your personal and professional growth journey?

Wanna get a complimentary ticket to the Fall Virtual Retreat?

What Does Simplify Yourself Mean?

Hey There Groovy Friend! Happy Friday! How are you doing now that the fall season is about to begin?

I am in the process of simplifying myself with mindful self-care. Watch a video about my process and the lessons I am learning.

Need help simplifying yourself and making self-care changes?

Sign up here to join my Thriving Mindfully Academy’s EXHALE + SIMPLIFY YOURSELF: 5 WAYS TO THRIVE CHALLENGE that begins on September 20th and ends September 24th It’s FREE to join. See you in the Challenge!

IG Live Conversation with My Biz, Creativity & Life Coach Marilyn Fontaine on Sept 17th at 8 AM ET

I am super excited to have my amazing life, creativity, and business coach, Marilyn Fontaine, join me for the Thriving Mindfully Community’s Summer of Self-Care IG Live Series on September 17th at 8 AM ET (DC) and 1 PM BST (LONDON):

Join me and Marilyn for a conversation about the importance of transforming your life and business through coaching, creativity, and self-care. We’ll talk about Marilyn’s powerful approach to coaching and how she has helped women entrepreneurs like myself to experience transformation in our lives and businesses. 

PS: I met Marilyn on Myspace in 2005 or 2006. We were able to support each other as artists and healers for many years. In 2014, I traveled to celebrate my 50th born day and had an opportunity to eat dinner, hang out, and take a yoga class led by Rosemarie St. Louis with her. Since then, I have watched how her life, art, and coaching business has grown and blessed so many. Earlier this year, I struggled with taking my life, creativity, and business to the next level. Marilyn is helping me with her coaching support and wisdom to grow and glow.

How Do You Make Changes in Your Life, Relationships & Career?

Hey Groovy Friend! 

How do you makes changes in your life, relationship, and career?

Do you resist change?

Are you currently struggling with change?

Watch my video and learn what I had to say about making self-care changes.

Need support making self-care  changes in your life, relationships, and career?

Go here to sign up for my EXHALE + SIMPLIFY YOURSELF: 5 WAYS TO THRIVE CHALLENGE FOR BUSY PEOPLE that begins September 20th and ends September 24th.

Sign Up for Exhale + Simplify Yourself: 5 Ways to Thrive Challenge, Sept 20-24

Hey Groovy Friend!

Your life, relationships, and career as a busy person in 2020 and 2021 aren’t what you expected them to be. You’ve been dealing with a helluva lot of sh$t, stress, and struggles. They have caused you to feel afraid, angry, anxious, depressed, exhausted, overwhelmed, and overworked.

You may feel like you don’t have time to take care of yourself.

You may think you don’t deserve self-care.

You may believe self-care isn’t affordable.

You may not know how to take care of yourself.

You may not know where to start when it comes to taking care of yourself.

Guess what?

I am here to help you reclaim one of the 1,440 minutes you get each day for self-care.

Self-care is your birthright. Self-care is also a muscle that only needs 1 minute per day for exercise. When you practice self-care for 1 minute each day, you are building self-care muscle memory. You are also creating space to release the sh$t, stress, and struggles you have faced over the past 18 months.

Self-care is FREE. It starts with your breath. Breathing deeply is one way you get free self-care.

It’s time for you to reclaim your self-care birthright and learn how to take care of yourself in 1 minute each day with my help.

It’s time for you to create a mini mindful self-care toolkit you can use this year and in 2021.

Sign up here to join my Thriving Mindfully Academy’s EXHALE + SIMPLIFY YOURSELF: 5 WAYS TO THRIVE CHALLENGE that begins on September 20th and ends September 24th (link in bio). It’s FREE to join.