Could you be softer with yourself as you move into the autumn season?

When you hear the word SOFT what comes to mind?

Are you SOFT with yourself?

What get’s in your way of being SOFT with yourself?


In 2022, I received a divine download during meditation that invited me to embrace S.O.F.T. as a self-care mantra and intention that takes the form of an acronym (confession: I remember many things with acronymns).

S: Slow down and

O: Offer yourself 




My FREEDOM has shown up as a deep breath, a hug, giving myself time and space for loving kindness + compassion + nonjudgment + patience + forgiveness + grace, a gratitude prayer, setting boundaries with my time by declining invitations, singing at karaoke nights, reading a juicy book, listening to soothing music, taking a walk, spending time by the water, quality time with family and friends, a nap, time with my journal, sleeping in my mom’s bed, wearing my mom’s lipstick and jewelry, holding and wearing my crystals, anointing myself with essential oils, touching and hugging trees, lighting candles and incense, preparing and eating a healthy meal, talking to my therapist, getting acupuncture and reiki, playing my sound bowls, moving my body with tennis and yoga, writing and reading my poetry out loud, traveling to see family in NYC and London, and so much more. 


Today refers to the present moment and the birthrights of mindfulness, self-love, self-care, and self-work that we each get the day we are born. They come alive in our lives when we choose to claim and practice them today — the present moment.

What does S.O.F.T. As Fuck (AF) mean?

SLOW down and OFFER yourself FREEDOM TODAY married As Fuck to remind me to seek out my softness by any means necessary. 

By any means necessary is a phrase Malcolm X, one of my greatest teachers, used in a speech he gave on June 28, 1964, that introduced the Organization of Afro-American Unit at the Audubon Ballroom in the Washington Heights section of Manhattan: “We want freedom by any means necessary. We want justice by any means necessary. We want equality by any means necessary.”

I am using by any means necessary to claim and practice my softness no matter what’s happening in my life.


Do you want to explore and practice being SOFT with yourself during the autumn season that officially begins on September 23rd, the first day of autumn and the celebration of the autumn equinox and Libra season?

If you answered YES, hell yeah, or kinda sorta maybe, check out the resources below.


My softness married my grief this summer.

Since my mom, Theresa B. Gartin Leeke made her peaceful transition to ancestorhood in my presence on July 9, 2023, my SOFTNESS has married my GRIEF and become SACRED MEDICINE that is super INTENTIONAL, JUICY, LAVISH, LUSH, MESSY, MAGICAL, ABUNDANT, OVERFLOWING, and everything in between. 

Recently, I noticed my SOFTNESS is deepening even more as I enter the autumn and winter seasons. It is calling me to give myself more time to be still, reflect, journal, write poetry and prayers, make art, and share in a sacred and safe community of support that reminds me to claim and practice my SOFTNESS as ONENESS with others.

That’s why I am hosting S.O.F.T. AF Sunday on September 24th to welcome the Autumn Equinox and December 10th to prepare for the Winter Solstice. 

Read on if you’re called to join me.

I’d love to hear about your SOFT and self-care journey (what’s working, what’s not working, any struggles you may be having).

I’d also like to know how I can support you better.

Send an email or a direct message on Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, or YouTube.
May your life, relationships, and career be filled with love, ease, joy, awareness, acceptance, and abundance!

Love, Ease, Grace, and Abundance,


PS: I currently have space for new coaching clients for the fall and winter season. Click here to learn more about my 1:1 coaching program and schedule a free 30-minute call to discuss how we can work together.

Go here to find out about the Thriving Mindfully Academy and how you can become a member this fall.