Mindful Technology: Listen to Ananda Leeke’s Interview on Technology for Mindfulness Podcast


Check out my Technology for Mindfulness podcast interview (53.55 minutes) about my mindfulness journey for the past 25 years, mindful technology, and how the power of one’s breath and the practice of mindfulness can help outsmart stress with Robert Plotkin, founder of Technology for Mindfulness, engineer, and long-time mindfulness practitioner.

During the interview, I share tips on how to cope with stress in the workplace based on self-care lessons I learned from my early career in finance and best practices from my work with clients as a mindfulness yoga teacher and reiki practitioner. I also share how I used mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and journaling to overcome stress caused by failing the bar exam eight times as a young lawyer. You can also listen to the podcast interview on YouTube.


Celebrate National Meditation Month & Join #ThrivingMindfully 31-Day Challenge (May 1-31)


Need more mindfulness in your life?

Join the #ThrivingMindfully 31-Day Challenge to incorporate more mindful living, creativity, and technology moments in your life. It starts May 1st and is self-directed. That means you do it at your own pace.

Here’s how the #ThrivingMindfully 31-Day Challenge works. There are 31 #ThrivingMindfully podcast episodes that include guided meditations, breathing exercises, short talks, tips, and resources. They are divided into three sections: mindful living, creativity, and technology. Follow the steps below to access the podcasts.

Step 1: Each day go to the #ThrivingMindfully Soundcloud page and click on the #ThrivingMindfully 31-Day Challenge playlist.

  • Mindful Living: Listen to episodes 1-15, 29
  • Mindful Creativity: Listen to episodes 16-21, 30
  • Mindful Technology: Listen to episodes 22-28, 31

Step 2: Select the podcast episode for Day #1, #2, #3 etc. and listen to it. You can also choose to listen to a podcast that resonates with you. Make the challenge your own. Take what you need and leave the rest behind.

Step 3: Practice the breathing, meditation, and reflections exercise(s) throughout your day and/or week.

Step 4: Join the A Mindful Cup of Tea Facebook Group and share your experiences with others.


Join me for “Breathe & Meditate,” a free Facebook Live series, on May 1st, 13th, 20th, and 27th from 7 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. EST: www.facebook.com/anandaleeke64. Each morning I will guide you through three short meditations and offer tips on how to create mindful living moments in your daily life.

If you live or visit the DC area in May, consider joining me for two #ThrivingMindfully Meetup Group events on May 19 and May 21. Go here for more details.

Looking for mindfulness-inspired books to read? Check out my three books on Amazon: yoga-inspired novel Love’s Troubadours, mindful creativity memoir That Which Awakens Me, and mindful technology memoir Digital Sisterhood.


My online offerings and events are offered as a gift. If they have blessed you, I invite you to show gratitude by supporting my work with a donation on PayPal or with the Cash app: http://www.paypal.me/anandaleeke or http://cash.me/$AnandaLeeke. Thank you for your generosity. It is deeply appreciated!

National Meditation Month: Breathe & Meditate with Ananda Leeke on May 1, 13, 20 & 27 on Facebook Live

Meditation has been a part of my life for over 25 years. During this period of time, I have come to know meditation as a mindful living practice that helps me make friends with my mind. In meditation, I make the choice to focus my awareness on what’s happening inside of myself – what’s happening in my spirit, heart, mind, and body. Through the power of my breath, I cultivate stillness by observing it and coming back to it when my mind is distracted by thoughts. Meditation has helped me increase my self-awareness and self-acceptance, relax, improve concentration, outsmart stress, cope with panic attacks, strengthen my emotional and physical well-being, develop deep listening in my interactions with others, and commit to a healthier lifestyle.


This month I am using National Meditation Month to offer “Breathe & Meditate,” a free Facebook Live series, on May 1st, 13th, 20th, and 27th from 7 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. EST. Each morning I will guide you through three short meditation sessions and offer tips on how to create mindful living moments in your daily  life.  Join me on  www.facebook.com/anandaleeke64


Need more mindfulness in your life? I invite you to join the #ThrivingMindfully 31-Day Challenge to incorporate more mindful living, creativity, and technology moments in your life. It starts May 1st and is self-directed. That means you do it at your own pace.

Here’s how the #ThrivingMindfully 31-Day Challenge works. There at 31 #ThrivingMindfully podcast episodes that include guided meditations, breathing exercises, short talks, tips, and resources. They are divided into three sections:mindful living, creativity, and technology. Follow the steps below to access the podcasts.

Step 1: Each day go to the #ThrivingMindfully Soundcloud page and click on the #ThrivingMindfully 31-Day Challenge playlist.

  • Mindful Living: Listen to episodes 1-15, 29
  • Mindful Creativity: Listen to episodes 16-21, 30
  • Mindful Technology: Listen to episodes 22-28, 31

Step 2: Select the podcast episode for Day #1, #2, #3 etc. and listen to it. You can also choose to listen to a podcast that resonates with you. Make the challenge your own. Take what you need and leave the rest behind.

Step 3: Practice the breathing, meditation, and reflections exercise(s) throughout your day and/or week.

Step 4: Join the A Mindful Cup of Tea Facebook Group and share your experiences with others.


Check out my resources page.

If you live or visit the DC area in May, consider joining me for two #ThrivingMindfully Meetup Group events on May 19 and May 21. Go here for more details.

Looking for mindfulness-inspired books to read? Check out my three books on Amazon: yoga-inspired novel Love’s Troubadours, mindful creativity memoir That Which Awakens Me, and mindful technology memoir Digital Sisterhood.


My online offerings and events are offered as a gift. If they have blessed you, I invite you to show gratitude by supporting my work with a donation on PayPal or with the Cash app: http://www.paypal.me/anandaleeke or http://cash.me/$AnandaLeeke. Thank you for your generosity. It is deeply appreciated!


Mindful Creativity Video: Celebrate National Poetry Month with Present Moment Awareness Poem

As we close out National Poetry Month in April and prepare for National Meditation Month in May, I decided to share a video of my poem “Present Moment Awareness” from my mindful creativity memoir, That Which Awakens Me (available of Amazon) My poem celebrates what happens inside of me when I meditate. May it inspire you to take a moment to breathe deeply, meditate, and embrace #ThrivingMindfully in all you are, think, say, and do.






Stress Awareness Month: How I Outsmart Stress with Mindfulness (DC Events on April 16, 21, 23 & 30)


S-T-R-E-S-S. Stress impacts everyone. It happens when we experience pressure or a situation that exceeds our ability to cope. It’s also one of the main sources of wear-and-tear on our spirits, minds, bodies, and relationships.

In the United States where I live, the most common sources of stress include work, money, the current political climate, the future of the nation, violence, and crime. Guess which ones are the most common among adults? Here’s how the American Psychological Association’s 2017 Stress in America survey answered the question.

  • #1 – The Future of the Nation, 63% of adults (specific issues include health care – 43%, economy – 35%, trust in government – 32%, crime and hate crimes – 31%, terrorist attacks – 30%, high taxes – 28%, social security – 26%, and government controversies and scandals – 25%)
  • #2 – Money, 62% of adults
  • #3 – Work, 61% of adults
  • #4 – Current Political Climate, 57% of adults
  • #5 – Violence and Crime, 51% of adults

What are the most common sources of stress in your life?

How do you manage them?


Over the past several years, my most common sources of stress have included money, relationships, work, health care, the political climate, and hate crimes. I have used mindfulness and mindful living, creativity, and technology practices including meditation, breathing exercises, deep listening, journaling, yoga, and unplugging from my digital devices to manage them.

In case you are wondering what mindfulness is, I thought I’d share my two-part definition. Mindfulness is our birthright. Each of us is born with the ABILITY TO BE AWARE  of what’s happening in our spirit, heart, mind, body, and surroundings.

Mindfulness is also a practice that we can CHOOSE to PAY ATTENTION to what’s happening in our spirit, heart, mind, body and surroundings ON PURPOSE in the PRESENT MOMENT and WITHOUT JUDGMENT.

I am using Stress Awareness Month and National Stress Awareness Day on April 16th to outsmart stress with more mindful moments in my life. If you are in the Washington, DC area on April 16th, join me at the #ThrivingMindfully Meetup Group event below. Sessions will also be held on April 23 and 30. Go here to join the free group.


Not able to attend the event? Check out my #ThrivingMindfully Podcast on how to outsmart stress with mindfulness meditation. Listen here.

I am offering a Saturday morning meditation on April 21st from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in Malcolm X/Meridian Hill Park. Go here for more details.


My blog, podcasts, and meetups are offered as a gift to the community. Donations are encouraged to show gratitude. Feel free to make your donation in-person at the #ThrivingMindfully Meetups. You can also support me via the PayPal app or website – paypal.me/anandaleeke or the Cash app – cash.me/$AnandaLeeke. Your generosity is deeply appreciated!