
In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic changed how you live, communicate, learn, work, shop, play, and do business in the world. So much has happened. So much continues to happen.

One of the best ways you can move through these changes is to remind yourself that YOU MATTER.

You are worthy.

Do you know you are the most important person in your life?


You deserve to make yourself a PRIORITY!

One way you can make yourself a priority is with a retreat. A retreat helps you carve out time and space and take responsibility for yourself. When you take responsibility for yourself, you begin to see your full self.

A retreat gives you an opportunity to take responsibility for identifying your vulnerabilities, challenges, wins, and losses.

A retreat can also help you set intentions and create shifts in how you choose to show up in your life, relationships, career, and business.

Join Ananda Leeke, Thriving Mindfully Coach, author, artist, and Human Design Doula,  for the Thriving Mindfully Academy’s Spring Virtual Retreat.

The Spring Virtual Retreat will be offered on April 18th at 7-8:30 PM ET and April 22nd from 2-3:30 PM ET.

Your investment is $43.

Click on the button below to buy your ticket. 

During the retreat, you will:

  • Get grounded with a mindful moment (deep breathing and mindful movement).
  • Identify the areas you need to take responsibility for in your life during the Spring season.
  • Learn how to take responsibility for yourself with the support of astrological, moon, and seasonal wisdom. 
  • Experience a sound bath meditation that will help you open your heart to embrace fresh starts and new beginnings in the Spring season.
  • Participate in intention setting and action planning exercises that invite you to reflect, journal or draw. 
  • Engage in group discussion in a safe community.

Dress comfortably. Bring your favorite journal, pen, colored pencils, magic markers, crayons, paper to draw on, and snack. 

A Zoom video link will be emailed to you once you register for the online retreat.